
关于这款游戏.Tozisafalling-sandgamewithmoderngraphicsandalargeselectionofelements,lotsandlotsofbrushtypesandanabundanceofspecial ...,toz-Tozisafalling-sandgamewithmoderngraphicsandalargeselectionofelements,lotsandlotsofbrushtypesandanabundanceofspecialeffects.,「一雪TOZ〝真の仲間〞之恥,喜歡傳奇系列的玩家必玩的一款遊戲。TOB繼承了TOZ的世界觀,但沒有玩過前作也沒問題。優秀的遊戲劇情、角色個性立體...

Steam 上的toz

关于这款游戏. Toz is a falling-sand game with modern graphics and a large selection of elements, lots and lots of brush types and an abundance of special ...

Steam 社群:

toz - Toz is a falling-sand game with modern graphics and a large selection of elements, lots and lots of brush types and an abundance of special effects.

Tales of Berseria

「一雪TOZ〝真の仲間〞之恥,喜歡傳奇系列的玩家必玩的一款遊戲。TOB 繼承了TOZ 的世界觀,但沒有玩過前作也沒問題。優秀的遊戲劇情、角色個性立體感充足。滿分的背景 ...

Tales of Zestiria

這次Steam特價就順便入手Toz & ToV,之後也有機會也會補A、S跟E 其他有出中文就會玩玩看…Tob應該會再之後跟著再玩一次 我的傳奇入門作是Tob,玩過後其實並不算滿意 ...

Tales of Zestiria on Steam

Tumble into Sorey's epic journey set in a Medieval fantasy world with beautiful animations realized by the famous animation studio ufotable. · Discover ...


Toz is a falling-sand game with modern graphics and a large selection of elements, lots and lots of brush types and an abundance of special effects. Toz ...

toz on Steam

Toz is a falling-sand game with modern graphics and a large selection of elements, lots and lots of brush types and an abundance of special effects. Toz players ...

傳Tales of Zestiria將登上STEAM - 創作大廳

近日,有玩家發現到Bandai Namco將旗下開發的遊戲《時空幻境熱情傳奇》 (Tales of Zestiria)在Steam DB上登記但隨後又將名稱改為TOZ,但是Sub ID依然沒有改變由Bandai ...